ӹѡҹͧ Service Office Դ MRT 9 ѭ§ 1 Թҧдǡҡ 鵺ҷӧҹѹ Ǵҡ

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ӹѡҹͧ Service Office Դ MRT 9 ѭ§ 1 Թҧдǡҡ 鵺ҷӧҹѹ Ǵҡ

ѹʵ ѹҷԵ 15 Ҥ 2566

ԡèѴӹѡҹͿФ͹ سͧ BTS/MRT
Service Office Դ MRT 9 ѭ§ 1 Թҧдǡҡ鵺ҷӧҹѹ Ǵҡ
Ѻ 3
鹷 11 .
Ҥ 27,000 ҷ

鹷· ͧЪ ͧ 鹷ǹҧ ҡ 200 .

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ѭ 1

Ҥ͡þҳԪ좹Ҵ˭ ԴԹҵ 2535 Сͺ仴ǹҤӹѡҹ dz¡ 9 Ѫɡ ѡɳҤ٧ 30 ЪԹ 1 վ鹷 194,655.35 ҧ

Сͺ仴¾鹷ӹѡҹ 鹷һա о鹷ǹҧ кҸóٻ ӹ¤дǡҧ 㹻 2555 ҹաûѺاҤä˭Ҿѡɳ ӹ¤дǡçѺͧ ٻẺôԹԵͧ١㹻ѨغѹաèѺҤҡ觢 ͡ҡҤ .. ѧ㹷ŷдǡ͵͡Թҧ ʶҹö俿Թ 9 (MRT) dzҹ˹ҢͧҤ Ũҡҧŧҧǹ 鹷 2 Ѻʶҹԧ (ARL) ѡѹ ҧҡҤ§ 600 1,300 ӴѺ
Our Serviced Offices are fully renovated, fully serviced and ready to use.
These include:
Use of our prestigious Sukhumvit & Rama 9 CBD business addresses, including for company incorporation and tax registration purposes.
Centralized management of mail, fax and courier services.
Receptionist and guest welcoming areas.
On-site center manager and experienced support team.
Ergonomic furniture including worktables, executive chairs, mobile pedestals and filing cabinets.
Voice conference capable digital VoIP telephones and dedicated telephone numbers with call answering in your exclusive company name.
Fully furnished conference / meeting and videoconference rooms.
Fully stocked pantry.
Printers, fax machines, scanners, copiers and other essential office equipment.
High-speed broadband Internet access (>100Mbps combined speeds) using versatile CAT5e cabling and WiFi.
In-house IT maintenance and support.
24x7 access and tight security with CCTV surveillance.
Daily office cleaning services.

You can access our serviced offices 24 hours a day, seven days a week. What is more, you are supported by our professional teams of IT professionals, secretaries and other support staff.

**ʹӹѡҹͿФ͹ Դ BTS/MRT ֡**

Please contact us for more info and private viewing anytime.
See more our available unit stocks on our Timeline and FB.
iSpace Center
Mobile: 062-446-9498
LINEID: @ispace
Email : ispace.th@gmail.com

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ӹѡҹ Թᴧ 27,000 ./.
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ҪԡẺ : ҹ
Ҫԡ : iSpace Center  
¡ ҡҪԡҹ »
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  • ӹѡҹͧ Service Office Դ MRT 9 ѭ§ 1 Թҧдǡҡ 鵺ҷӧҹѹ Ǵҡ

    ӹѡҹ 10 ҧ СȻ ӹѡҹ ´ӹѡҹͧ Service Office Դ MRT 9 ѭ§ 1 Թҧдǡҡ 鵺ҷӧҹѹ Ǵҡ ӷͧä ӹѡҹͧ Service Office Դ MRT 9 ѭ§ 1 Թҧдǡҡ 鵺ҷӧҹѹ Ǵҡ ͡ҡѾഷءѹ

    Service Office Դ MRT 9 ѭ§ 1 Թҧдǡҡ鵺ҷӧҹѹ Ǵҡ Ѻ 3 鹷 11 . Ҥ

    @thaihometown Scroll